Things to Try

  1. Make a directory and change the current directory to your new directory.
  2. Without using a text editor, create a file called "hello", that has the following contents:
    This is a test:
    Hello, World!
  3. Using a text editor create a file with the names of the months in one column and the number of the month in another column. For example,
    January   1
    February  2
    Use sort to sort the months in reverse chronological order. Does sort do what you expect?
  4. What does "cat -n" do?
  5. The "fig2dev" program converts output files from the "xfig" program to other formats, like PostScript, that can be printed. To convert the file foo.fig from fig format to PostScript format you would use the command "fig2dev -Lps < foo.fig >". You could view the output PostScript file with "gv".

    The file "certificate.fig" has a generic certificate for this course in the fig format. Replace the string "YourNameHere" with your name using sed, and pipe the output to fig2dev to make a personalized certificate. View the certificate with gv to make sure it looks correct, then print it.
