DeOrbIt: synthesize replacements for Fuji-like white orbs

Note: This static page is the primary entry to DeOrbIt. It always provides links or forwarding to the latest version of the tool. However, we have now collected enough images to use as test cases so that we have been able to significantly improve the tool. Links to older versions also will be provded here. The latest version is always the version linked here: deorbit.cgi

DeOrbIt was created by Professor H. Dietz as both a service to the community and a computational photography research project. It is described in the paper FUJIFILM X10 white orbs and DeOrbIt that was presented at the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging conference in San Francisco. Here are the slides from that talk and preprint of the full paper.

The versions of DeOrbIt publically available are:

A major revision of the tool based on extensive testing using images collected with the deorbit20120307.cgi version. Although there is still room for improvement, it is rarely necessary to adjust more than the enlarge parameter in order to get a significantly prettier image. The greater the artifacting around each orb, the greater the enlarge parameter should be. Very clean images work best with 0 pixel enlargement, whereas night scenes often do better with up to 3 pixel enlargement of regions. There is sometimes a nasty green or red color splotch in the synthesized image; this is due to expansion of color fringes around the orbs, and is sometimes severe enough that a future version of the tool may add a desaturation control.... Note that the parameters used in this version of the tool are not quite the same as those used in the original version.
This is the original posted version. Aside from issues involving inconsistent quality of the repairs made to images, there was a limit of 4000x3000 pixels on image size which caused full-size portrait-orientation images to be rejected.

The C program that generated this page was written by Hank Dietz using the CGIC library to implement the CGI interface.

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